Unique Solutions to Complex Engineering Problems
OutsideInnovation is an engineering services company that provides research and field engineering services worldwide. We specialize in projects that empower human exploration and frequently work on aerospace components, deep-sea vehicles, and backcountry expeditions. Through these endeavors, we have developed a broad skill set and a passionate work ethic that we bring to every project.
Experience includes the following:
Research and Product development.
Aerospace propulsion, attitude control, and simulated space environments.
Deep-sea vehicle systems (MUV and ROV).
Exploration and field support worldwide.
CAD, FEA, CFD, THERMAL, and other hardware analysis.
Sensor systems, data acquisition, and controls.
Energy management and renewable power generation.
Manufacturing (from 1-10M units) worldwide, automation, and process improvement.

11972 SW Crestwood Circle, Port St. Lucie
Florida, 34987 (USA)
Contact e-mail:
Contact number:
+1 772.249.1257 (USA)
+34 676.72.48.30 (EU)